Home > Passport Photo Requirements > United States Green card Photo 2x2 inch (51x51 mm, 5.1x5.1 cm)

United States Green card Photo 2x2 inch (51x51 mm, 5.1x5.1 cm) Size and Requirements

How idPhotoDIY works

Country United States
Document type Green card
Passport picture size Width: 2 inch, Height: 2 inch
Resolution (DPI) 600
Image definition parameters Head must be between 1 -1 3/8 inches (25 - 35 mm) from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head
Background color White
Printable photo Yes
Digital photo for online submission Yes
Digital photo size Width: 1000 pixels , Height: 1000 pixels
Photo Paper type matte
Detailed requrements

Digital Photo Requirements

Instructions for Submitting a Digital Photograph (Image) for the USA-GREEN-CARD Lottery Registration Entry (DV Lottery)


Example Photos

U.S. passport photo U.S. passport photo U.S. passport photo U.S. passport photo U.S. passport photo U.S. passport photo U.S. passport photo U.S. passport photo U.S. passport photo U.S. passport photo

Example Photos for Children

 U.S. passport photo U.S. passport photo U.S. passport photo 

The submitted image must adhere to the following specifications. Photographs submitted must be a recent photograph, taken within the last 6 months. Please be advised that Failure to comply with any of the following requirements may result in Disqualification from the US DV Lottery Program.

A digital photograph (image) of you, your spouse, and each child must be submitted online with the E-DV entry form. The image file can be produced either by taking a new digital photograph or by scanning a photographic print with a digital scanner.

The image file must adhere to the following compositional and technical specifications and can be produced in one of the following ways: taking a new digital image or using a digital scanner to scan a photograph.

Image Acquisition

  • The image file may be produced by acquiring an image with a digital camera or by digitizing a paper photograph with a scanner.
  • Digital enhancement or other alterations or retouching are not permitted.
  • The original aspect ratio of the image must be preserved. (No image stretching is allowed.)

Compositional Specifications:

The submitted digital image must conform to the following compositional specifications or the entry will be disqualified.


  • The image must contain the full face, neck, and shoulders of the entrant in frontal view with a neutral, non-smiling expression and with eyes open and directed at the camera.
  • The image must not contain any parts of the body below the entrant's shoulders.
  • The image must not include other objects or additional people.
  • The entrant must be vertically oriented in the image.
  • The image must be from a recent (within 6 months) photo of the entrant.

Acceptable Visa Photos


Head Position

  • The person being photographed must directly face the camera.
  • The head of the person should not be tilted up, down, or to the side.
  • The head height or facial region size (measured from the top of the head, including the hair, to the bottom of the chin) must be between 50 percent and 69 percent of the image's total height. The eye height (measured from the bottom of the image to the level of the eyes) should be between 56 percent and 69 per cent of the image's height.


  • The person being photographed should be taken with the person in front of a neutral, light-colored background.
  • Dark or patterned backgrounds are not acceptable.


  • The photograph must be in focus.
  • The entire face must be in focus.
  • Fine facial features must be clearly recognizable.
  • Pixels or dot patterns must not be perceptible.

Decorative Items

  • Photographs in which the person being photographed is wearing sunglasses or other items that detract from the face will not be accepted.

Head Coverings and Hats

  • Photos of applicants wearing head coverings or hats are only acceptable if the head covering is worn for religious beliefs; even then, the head covering may not obscure any portion of the face of the applicant. Photographs of applicants with tribal or other headgear not specifically religious in nature will not be accepted; photographs of military, airline, or other personnel wearing hats will not be accepted.

Color photographs in 24-bit color depth are required

Color photographs may be downloaded from a camera to a file in the computer or they may be scanned onto a computer. If you are using a scanner, the settings must be for True Color or 24-bit color mode. See the additional scanning requirements below.

Technical Specifications

The submitted digital photograph must conform to the following specifications or the system will automatically reject the E-DV entry form and notify the sender.

Taking a New Digital Image

If a new digital image is taken, it must meet the following specifications:

Image File Format:


JPEG - the image must be in the Joint Photographic Experts Group format.

Image File Size:

240 kilobytes (240 KB) is the maximum image file size.

Image Resolution and Dimensions:


600 pixels (width) x 600 pixels (height) - are acceptable dimensions. Image pixel dimensions must be in a square aspect ratio (meaning the height must be equal to the width).


Image Color Depth:

24 bits per pixel, Image must be in color. [24-bit black and white or 8-bit images will NOT be accepted].

Scanning a Submitted Photograph

Before a photographic print is scanned, it must meet the compositional specifications listed above. If the photographic print meets the print color and compositional specifications, scan the print using the following scanner specifications:

Scanner Resolution:


Scanned at a resolution of at least 300 dots per inch (dpi).

Image File Format:


The image must be in the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) format.

Image File Size:


The maximum image file size is 240 kilobytes (240 KB).

Image Resolution:


600 by 600 pixels.

Image Color Depth:


24-bit color. [Note that black and white, monochrome, or grayscale images will NOT be accepted.]

Source https://travel.state.gov/content/tr...

Do not worry about the photo size requirements. IDPhotoDIY online tool will help you make correct United States Green card size photos.

How to make United States Green card photo online

Step 1: Use a digital camera or a smartphone

Find someone to take the photo for you and selfie photo is not acceptable for passport photo application. If you have a tripod, use it. A tripod will make it easier to keep the camera steady and level. The distance of the person to the camera should be around 1 meter.

Step 2: Find a venue with good lighting

When taking photo, you should face the light, such as a nice bright window or the door. This can provide even lighting to avoid shadows on the face and background. The face must be evenly lit. There should be no shadows and glares on the face.

Note: No need to worry about the background as our online passport photo generator will automatically remove or change the background for you.

unacceptable passport photo

Step 3: Wear properly for your passport photo

Do not wear uniforms. Wear regular street clothes in your photo.

Do not wear eyeglasses. If you wear glasses, sunglasses, or tinted glasses, take them off for your passport photo.

Your face must still be fully visible.  Don’t let your hair drape over your face and obscure your eyes. If you have very long bangs that cover your eyebrows, you should pin them back with bobby pins. It’s best if your ears show, as well, but that won’t cause your photo to be rejected.

No hats are allowed in passport photos unless it is religious headgear such as a headscarf or yarmulke that you wear every day.

acceptable passport photo

Step 4: Pose for a passport

Look straight towards the camera with face straight on. Head should not be tilted or rotated.

Both ears showing or both edges of the face visible if hair covers the ears.

Shoulders should be visible, and there should be enough space around the head for cropping the photo.

Position the camera in the same height as the head.

unacceptable passport photo

unacceptable passport photo

Step 5: Have a neutral facial expression

You can smile in your passport photos, but the government prefers that you have a neutral facial expression.

Smiling or having your mouth open is usually not acceptable, especially under the new international passport rules.

acceptable passport photo

Unacceptable passport photo


Good and bad examples of passport photos

Example of passport photos

Printed passport photos

Online Passport Photo Generator

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